If you are a career-minded author, please contact us, using the button on the right. Request our introductory FAQ and Submission Instructions.

When you contact us please include:

  • A list of past titles
  • Genre and sub-genre of interest
  • Tell us your purpose in seeking a publisher relationship

You can expect a personal reply within 4 business days.

If you wish to contact us via e-mail, you can do so at info@epublishingworks.com.

ePublishing Works is closed to children's books, poetry, and erotica.

"I hate formatting,
marketing, and keeping up
with industry changes. I
want to write. So I handed
ePW a six book series and
said, "Go make me money.
And did they ever! So I gave
them the rest of my backlist
and some of my front list.
My job is to write. Theirs is
to market. And ePW does
that very well!"
~Jade Lee,
USA Today Bestselling
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